Appalachian Trail – Vernon, NJ

~Ah, one of my favorites – Grasshopper Sparrow on the Appalachian Trail in Vernon Township, 6/19/15.~

I met up with Kyle Dudgeon today after work and we hit a couple of spots. Our first stop was the Appalachian Trail – Pochuck Creek Boardwalk, which was pretty much a bust. Swamp Sparrows were heard but only seen at a distance. Marsh Wrens were heard but not seen. We had distant looks at Wood Ducks and a Great Blue Heron that flew over a couple of times.

So, from there we headed over to the Appalachian Trail on Route 94 in Vernon Township. The first half a mile of this trail is a good spot for Grasshopper Sparrows, Prairie Warblers, and Field Sparrows. We did well with all three, getting very good looks in nice light. I don’t think this is a great spot to see a large variety of species (we had just over 10 tonight), but you can certainly get good looks at a few.

~Prairie Warblers were numerous and easily spotted at the Appalachian Trail in Vernon Township, 6/19/15.~ 
~Field Sparrow on the Appalachian Trail in Vernon Township, NJ, 6/19/15.~
~I haven’t photographed many Eastern Phoebes this year. This one was at the Appalachian Trail – Pochuck Creek Boardwalk, 6/19/15.~