Atlantic Puffin at Eastern Egg Rock Island, Maine, 8/4/14.Snowy Egret while kayaking Cundy’s Harbor in Harpswell ME, 8/7/14.
Double Crested Cormorants are also very numerous, but I did not have many photo ops. This one was while kayaking Cundy’s Harbor in Harpswell Maine, 8/7/14.I think this is a young Common Tern, shot while kayaking Cundy’s Harbor, 8/7/14.Common Eiders live up to their name on the coast of Maine – we saw many of these birds in the two weeks we were there. I never got tired of them. This was taken from the deck of “The Osprey’s Nest”, 8/5/14.Lesser Yellowlegs while kayaking Cundy’s Harbor in Harpswell, Maine. 8/I am going to do a post about the seals in Cundy’s Harbor, but I couldn’t leave them out of this post entirely.Adult Bald Eagle, kayaking in Cundy’s Harbor ME, 8/6/14.A view of “The Osprey’s Nest” from our kayak, out in Cundy’s Harbor, 8/5/14.xA more foggy look at an Atlantic Puffin, Eastern Egg Rock Island ME, 8/4/14.Atlantic Puffin, Eastern Egg Rock Island ME, 8/4/14.The puffins were tough to catch in flight, and this is my best effort. Puffin Watch, New Harbor to Eastern Egg Rock ME, 8/4/14.I think this is a young Roseate Tern based on the bill being primarily black. We had several ROTEs on this trip, which were identified by sight and call by the Audubon Naturalist that guided the tour. This particular bird was not identified, but I am thinking ROTE. Puffin Watch, New Harbor to Eastern Egg Rock ME, 8/4/14.Black Guillemot in flight. I got some good close-ups of BLGUs at other locations in Maine that I will be posting shortly. Puffin Watch, New Harbor to Eastern Egg Rock ME, 8/4/14.On our way out to the island, we had a pair of Parasitic Jaegers chasing a Tern, presumably trying to steal a meal. I wish I had done better with photos, but at least this shot shows the diagnostic pointed feather at the center of the tail. Puffin Watch, New Harbor to Eastern Egg Rock ME, 8/4/14.On our way out to the island, we had a pair of Parasitic Jaegers chasing a Tern, presumably trying to steal a meal. I wish I had done better with photos, but at least this shot shows the diagnostic pointed feather at the center of the tail. Puffin Watch, New Harbor to Eastern Egg Rock, 8/4/14.A pair of Atlantic Puffins, Eastern Egg Rock Island ME, 8/4/14.And here’s the postcard shot. Humpback Whale, Whale Watching Tour off of Bar Harbor ME, 8/1/14.Humpback Whale, diving deep. Whale Watching Tour off of Bar Harbor ME, 8/1/14.One more Red Phalarope,Whale Watching Tour off of Bar Harbor ME, 8/1/14.Likely my favorite bird of the entire trip to Maine, one of about a dozen Red Phalaropes, Whale Watching Tour off of Bar Harbor ME, 8/1/14.A close up look at one of the Great Shearwaters,Whale Watching Tour off of Bar Harbor ME, 8/1/14.We also had many Great Shearwaters. Whale Watching Tour off of Bar Harbor ME, 8/1/14.I was really pleased to get a shot of a Wilson’s Storm-Petrel. We saw many while we were out but they were typically distant and they move very quickly along the water. Whale Watching Tour off of Bar Harbor ME, 8/1/14.A young Northern Gannet on our way out to see the whales. Whale Watching Tour off of Bar Harbor ME, 8/1/14.I have this as a Northern Fulmar, mostly because of the dark smudge around the eye. Whale Watching Tour off of Bar Harbor, 8/1/14.I have this as a Northern Fulmar, Whale Watching Tour off of Bar Harbor, 8/1/14.
XXXXXXOn our last day in Bar Harbor we walked a trail near Indian Point, Maine and found a pair of Spotted Sandpipers on the rocky beach. 8/2/14.Sweet bird. Bonaparte’s Gull in Ogunquit, Maine 7/26/14.One of my favorites, I happy to finally get close enough for a decent shot. Bonaparte’s Gull at Ogunquit Beach, 7/26/14.Piping Plover at Ogunquit Beach, 7/26/14.Very cute bird – Piping Plover at Ogunquit, Maine 7/26/14.One of six life birds I got during the trip – Piping Plover at Ogunquit, Maine 7/26/14.I finally got a puffed up egret shot. Snowy Egret at Ogunquit Beach, Maine 7/26/14.One more Common Tern shot. This seems to be a tough bird to get a good photo of, I took a LOT of tern photos in Maine and only a very few were any good. This was also at Thurston’s Lobster Pound inAlso seen from Thurston’s Lobster Pound, I love this shot of a Common Tern – it is SOOC (straight out of camera).I was happy to discover this Black Guillemot so close to the shore while we where having a delicious meal at Thurston’s Lobster Pound in Bernard, Maine 7/31/14.We saw this Common Eider from the Shore Path at Bar Harbor, Maine 726/14.A female Common Eider rests on a rock on the shore. Bar Harbor, Maine 7/27/14.Common Eider at Bar Harbor, Maine, 7/27/14.