I have been running around lately trying to see a Green Heron. There are certain birds that just get in my head and I have to try and find them, right now it’s the Green Heron. At this time last year, I had already seen several, but I’ve had no luck so far this year. I saw on eBird that a Green Heron had been sighted recently at The Celery Farm, which is a 107 acre freshwater wetland in Allendale, New Jersey. I made it out there yesterday – it is just ten minutes from my work. Many species of bird can be found there, I saw and identified seventeen, but I did not get my Green Heron:
- Canada Goose
- Mute Swan
- Mallard
- Wood Duck
- Great Blue Heron
- Great Egret
- Turkey Vulture
- Mourning Dove
- American Crow
- Tree Swallows
- American Robin
- Gray Catbird
- Yellow Warbler
- Song Sparrow
- Red-winged Blackbird
- Common Grackle
- American Goldfinch
I did hear what I thought was a Red-shouldered Hawk when I first arrived, but I never saw the bird and I am not positive about the call. I spent just over an hour there and I saw my first Gray Catbirds and Yellow Warblers of the season. Here’s a Yellow Warbler singing: