I started my morning of birding at Wickham Lake, where just after my arrival I found a pair of Long-tailed Ducks. Kyle Knapp joined me shortly after my arrival and we enjoyed some good birding. Kyle saw a gull in flight across the lake; I got on it with my scope and was happy to report it was a Bonaparte’s Gull! The bird moved through without stopping, and we would eventually have a second Bonie do the same thing. We found another Long-tailed Duck in the west section of the lake – we both agreed that the plumage on this bird was different than the first two.

Other good birds included an adult Bald Eagle, a Common Goldeneye, and a distant scaup that was too distant to properly identify, but I would venture to guess it was a Greater. A nice sized flock of Green-winged Teal did a couple of fly-bys which was fun to photograph.

I hit the black dirt afterwards and the winter usuals made a good showing. The Three Amigos (Horned Lark, Snow Bunting, & Lapland Longspur) were all present; there are loads of larks, I had a handful of buntings, and at least 6 longspurs. I still had about a dozen American Pipits. The Cackling Goose at Breeze Hill Pond continues. And finally, I had a single Rough-legged Hawk high over the Camel Farm.