I went out to the black dirt region this morning, and made up for my failure to relocate the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE last weekend by finding it three times today! It was pretty exciting; I put the word out, and a lot of other birders got to see the bird as well.
When I relocated the bird the third time, I was wondering if it could be a second individual. I had left it in a field off of Turtle Bay Road only 10 or 15 minutes earlier. I contacted several other birders, and they informed me that the bird had, in fact, flown from Turtle Bay, but went north. Well, my location was to the south, just across from Scenic Farms Golf Course!?! Ultimately, though it was fun to entertain the possibility, it seems to me that it almost certainly had to be the same bird. Although the exact timing was unclear, there was probably plenty of time for the bird to relocate to the golf course site before I got there, even with a slight northward detour. Plus, the likelihood of having two PFGOs in the same area is super duper slim.