~Eastern Screech-owl in Sullivan County, 1/1/15.~~Northern Harrier at the Grasslands, 1/17/15.~~Cooper’s Hawk at the Newburgh Waterfront, 1/24/15.~~Eastern Meadowlark at the Grasslands, 1/25/15.~~Lapland Longspur, 1/31/15.~~Eastern Bluebird, Goshen NY, 2/115.~Northern Harrier at Liberty Loop, 2/5/15.~~GYRFALCON!!!!! Ulster County 2/10/15.~~Black Dirt Short-eared Owl, 2/22/15.~Croton Point Park Bald Eagle, 3/7/15.~~Northern Harrier, Missionland Road 3/21/15.~~Barred Owl in Sullivan County, 3/24/15.~~ After being released into the wild, a recently rehabilitated male Canvasback caught mid wing flap, Montezuma NWR, 4/4/15.~~Ruddy Duck at Piermont Pier, 4/11/15.~~CRESTED CARACARA! Orange County, NY 4/12/15.~~A female Snail Kite takes a break from snail hunting near Harn’s Marsh in Fort Myers Florida, 5/5/15.~~A Double-crested Cormorant comes up with a small snack, J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, 5/3/15.~It was a lot of fun for Tricia and I to watch this Anhinga fish at the Naples Botanical Garden, 5/6/15.~Killdeer in Sullivan County, 5/25/15.~~Bobolink at the Grasslands, 5/30/15.~~UPLAND SANDPIPER!!! Ulster County, NY 6/9/15.~~Common Loon, Follensby Clear Pond, 6/13/15.~~Black-crowned Night-heron at the Liberty Loop, 7/13/15.~~Great Egrets striking a pose at the Liberty Loop, 8/9/15.~~Least Sandpiper at Morningside Park, 8/15/15.~I finally got a good look at not one, but two YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOOS! They were located on the west side of the Liberty Loop, Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge, 8/23/15.~~Spotted Sandpiper at Morningside Park, 9/7/15.~~Black Dirt Great Horned Owl, 9/9/15.~~Buff-breasted Sandpiper in the Black Dirt Region, Orange County NY, 9/14/15.~~Red-tailed Hawk at State Line Hawkwatch, 10/4/15.~~Dunlin at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary, 10/25/15.~~Dark-eyed Junco at Mt. Peter Hawkwatch, 10/31/15.~~Black Dirt Snow Bunting, 11/15/15.~Orange County River Otters, 12/6/15.~