On Saturday, I spent the day birding at the Jersey Shore with birding buds Maria Loukeris and Linda Scrima. I was serendipitous that Maria suggested a road trip, I was feeling like I was definitely ready for a break from local birding, and the beach was already on my mind. We spent most of the morning at Manasquan Inlet. All three of us were able to achieve scope views of our two target birds: Razorbill and DOVEKIE. I was hoping to get an alcid close enough for photos, but it wasn’t in the cards. As expected, the location was very birdy and also very, very cold. Other highlights included photo ops of Snow Buntings and Long-tailed Ducks, a couple of seals, and a nice-sized flock of Purple Sandpipers (with a trio of Sanderlings mixed in).

Afterwards, we went to Shark River Inlet, where we had a close encounter with a Cooper’s Hawk, got some better looks and photos of Purple Sandpipers, enjoyed our first Surf Scoters of the day, and watched as hundreds of Black Scoters streamed by. A delicious late lunch at The Greek Spot was a nice way to wrap up a good day of Jersey Shore birding.

On Sunday morning I birded the Black Dirt Region and things were on the quiet side, with just the usuals observed. In the afternoon I went to the Newburgh Waterfront to try for gulls. I was lucky with a cooperative Iceland Gull, however that was the only out-of-the-ordinary gull I was able to locate.

Glad you had a great Day at The Jersey shore. Had earlier success at Manasquan with Dovekie, Razorbill, Common eiders, Harl Ducks etc, along with the buntings. Fri I was at the Grasslands for a brief time aftyer striking out on the Ross’s goose at Owen Station Rd. Saw Ken M and he put me on to a group of Goldenryes off of Lippencott Rd. Hope to leave tomorrow to try to get the Taiga Bean Goose and Barrows Goldeneye. Will go on to some of the bogs in the Tupper Lake area for northern species
We missed the Harlequin Ducks somehow. That was one disappointment. You are busy birding these days – it’s really good to hear; you are getting some really good birds.