On Saturday, Linda Scrima and I took part in the Mearns Bird Club’s Orange County Winter Waterfowl Count. For the seventh straight year, we covered the Black Dirt Region for the survey. Much of the water in the area was frozen over, but in spite of that, I think we managed to tally some decent numbers:
- Canada Goose: 4,716
- Cackling Goose: 1
- Snow Goose: 3
- Mallard: 22
- American Black Duck: 4
- Green-winged Teal: 1
- Ring-necked Duck
- Hooded Merganser: 2
- Common Merganser: 16

I did some additional birding this weekend, mostly trying to catch up with the GLAUCOUS GULL that Bruce Nott found last weekend. I tried for that bird both days, but unfortunately came up empty. I also birded the black dirt first thing this morning; I was rewarded by an extremely confiding American Kestrel.

Really nice Kestrel shots Matt!
Thanks Silas! Matt