Sunday Shots, 11/05/23

My best birding of the weekend occurred first thing on Saturday morning. I stopped in the black dirt before heading up to Mount Peter Hawkwatch. I was pleased to find a nice sized flock of Horned Larks, and even more so to find a handful of Snow Buntings and a couple Lapland Longspurs. The buntings and longspurs wouldn’t cooperate for photos, so I had to settle for some Horned Lark shots. I went back on Sunday morning, and I don’t know if they moved on or were just laying low, but I had very few larks and no buntings or longspurs.

~Horned Lark in the black dirt, 11/05/23.~

Hawkwatch at Mount Peter was a bust for me. I counted a measly 10 migrating raptors in just over 5 hours. Songbirds were out in force, particularly American Robins, which were moving through in groups of 10-20 birds. I have only one day left in the hawk watching season, next Saturday; I’m hoping for something special to happen on that day.

~Dark-eyed Junco at Mt. Peter Hawkwatch 11/04/23.~
~American Crow just after Sunrise in the black dirt, 11/04/23.~d
~One of 4 White-tailed Deer bucks that I saw over the weekend. Black Dirt Region 11/05/23.~
~Horned Lark with what looks like a very short bill to me. BDR 11/04/23.~
~This might be the winner for the species which is heard WAY more than it is seen. Carolina Wren in the black dirt, 11/05/23.~

2 thoughts on “Sunday Shots, 11/05/23”

  1. Wonderful shots, Matt!!!
    Love that Junco, and I’ll keep an eye out for those Horned Larks.
    Good Luck next Saturday, Patty

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