This morning I was put off by the cold temperatures and the incessant rain, so it took me a little while to work up the gumption to go out. Once I did, it was totally worth it. I ran around southern Orange County, hoping for shorebirds. I came up with just the usuals in my first four stops, the usuals being: Least Sandpipers, Lesser Yellowlegs, Killdeer, Solitary Sandpiper and Spotted Sanpiper. But, when I got to Skinners Lane, that all changed and I got some really good birds:
- Killdeer (4)
- DUNLIN (6)
- Least Sandpiper (2)
- Greater Yellowlegs (1)

As is usually the case, the birds were distant, so no good pics. But – shorebirds in OC! I was pretty pumped.

Great shots. I was away in N.C. For a few days. Picked up 6 year birds but missed some I thought I would get. May pick them up in Florida the end of June.
Thanks Bruce! Glad you enjoyed NC; thanks for checking in. Matt
Really nice day, Matt. Time to get pumped!
It sure was Bill, that’s pretty good shorebirds for OC. And Wilson’s Phalarope in Sullivan today – Good stuff! Matt