Sunday Shots…

…well, a day late due to the holiday weekend. I got out several times over the long weekend, basically staying local and getting the usuals. I had my first Semipalmated Sandpipers of the year at the Camel Farm and at Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday. Yesterday I ran to the Deli Fields at the Bashakill for a Mourning Warbler that John Haas had reported, but alas I didn’t have any luck with that bird. Today I had my first Black-billed Cuckoo of the year, a bird I would usually have seen or heard before now most years. Migration is winding down, so I mostly was just glad to be outside and enjoying the birds.

~Song Sparrow at Skinner’s Lane on 05/23/19.~
~American Coot at Wallkill River NWR, 05/25/19.~
~Savannah Sparrow at Skinner’s Lane, 05/23/19.~
~Eastern Kingbird at Wallkill River NWR, 05/25/19.~~
~Indigo Bunting at Wallkill River NWR, 05/26/19.~
~Of course this doesn’t come close to Kyle’s shot, but it was really cool to get a look at a Virginia Rail out in the open; Wallkill River NWR, 05/25/19.~
~I had to look this one up – I knew this was a hybrid between Blue-winged Warbler and Golden-winged Warbler, but I didn’t know that it was called Lawrence’s Warbler. Goosepond Mountain, 05/27/19.~

4 thoughts on “Sunday Shots…”

  1. You still got a lot of great shots, Matt. I esp. like the indigo bunting on the green/brown leaves with the light blue sky. I read that the hybrid Lawrence’s warbler is rare.

    Kyle Dudgeon ventured into the woods early and quickly found his niche. Most of us have lots of peaks and valleys to get through.

    Hats off to you, birders. You slosh in the mud and I enjoy the fruits of your labour!

    1. Thanks for checking in Norma, glad you like the pics. Kyle was a quick study to say the least, and it worked out well that he found it so early in life. I came to it much later but I’m enjoying it so much. Even the sloshing through the mud : )

  2. Great shots again. Went up to Clinton road Sunday afternoon to try for the golden wing. No success -too much noise with off roaders roaring around. Did get my first chestnut sided warblers and grasshopper sparrows.

    1. Thanks Bruce. I still need Golden-winged Warbler and Grasshopper Sparrow this year. I’m pretty sure I’ll get both, just have to get after them.


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