I received a text from Linda Scrima while I was at work today – she had located a NELSON’S SPARROW at the Liberty Loop! After work I headed straight to the loop. This is only the second record of a NESP in Orange County, and as I was driving, I was hoping that I would have better luck than I did with the first one: It was mid-October in 2013, and Rob Stone had located one at the Citgo Pond; I went for that bird several times and never got it.
When I arrived at the loop, Linda was there with Karen Miller and Lance Verderame. They had just seen the bird but it was back down in the grasses. Almost immediately it took a short flight, but I did not pick up any field marks. I waited it out and eventually the bird perched up right in front of us for maybe 10 seconds – enough time for me to get a good look, but certainly not enough time for a photo. I was so excited! I didn’t let myself think that I would actually get the bird this time around, so I was pretty happy. I’m hoping the bird sticks around, I would love to get better looks and maybe some photos. too. Huge thanks to Linda, who just keeps finding great birds in the county.
Congrats Love you determination.
Thanks so much Renee. I think determination and enthusiasm go a long way towards good birding. Matt
I’m glad you got to see the bird and Linda took a beautiful photo of the sparrow.
Thanks Mary, me too! Especially that Linda documented such a good bird for OC. Matt
Awesome Sparrow
Yes, what an awesome sparrow. And actually, another NESP was reported yesterday at Goosepond Mountain. Third record ever in OC. Matt