Local Photos, 02/19/17

~Always a favorite and often cooperative. Merlin in the black dirt, 02/19/17.~

I’ve birded locally most days in the past week and while it’s been enjoyable, things have been on the slow side. Today things picked up a bit for me when I located a large flock of mixed blackbirds in the black dirt, and then shortly after that had a cooperative Merlin, followed by a large flock of Snow Geese, which I still have not grown tired of. Earlier in the week at the Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge, I had my first Great Blue Heron of the year (and it was in good light!). I’m feeling like I might be ready for winter birding to be over – maybe the flocks of blackbirds are an indication that birds are starting to move?

~This might be my favorite Snow Goose photo of the year – I love the dreamy quality of it. A sea of Snow Geese in the black dirt, 02/19/17.~
~I had a very large flock of mixed blackbirds in the black dirt today, 02/19/17. This shot has mostly Red-winged Blackbirds with some Brown-headed Cowbirds and Common Grackles mixed in. 
~A Great Blue Heron does a fly by at Wallkill River NWR, 02/19/17.~ 
~A White-crowned Sparrow strikes a strange pose, barely hanging on. In the black dirt, 02/11/17.~
~More SNGOs in the black dirt, 02/19/17.~
~A Northern Cardinal just before sunset at Wallkill River NWR, 02/15/17.~ 

2 thoughts on “Local Photos, 02/19/17”

  1. Really nice job, Matt.
    People are starting to see redwings so I think you are right about them moving.


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