On New Year’s Day, Diane Bliss found a EURASIAN WIGEON in the small ponds across from Warwick Town Hall. The bird was not relocated on the 2nd, but then it resurfaced on the 3rd. I couldn’t run for it because I was working, so I was hoping it would hang in there for me until today. Which it did. Huge thanks to Kyle Knapp, who was on the scene before sunrise, and not only did he let me know the bird was there, he stuck around to make sure I got it. The bird is a beautiful drake and was an Orange County lifer for me, nudging my total number of birds in the county to 278.
Is that Luke haven’t seen him in a bit miss him a lot, don’t want to post where he lives
Yeah, it’s been a while and I was starting to wonder – so I was happy to see the bird today. Matt
NIce morning, mi amigo! Glad the bird showed so well. Congrats!
Great to see you Bill, glad the bird cooperated too. Congrats to you as well. Matt
Saw a Eurasian Widgeon At Pt. Pleasant yesterday. Always good to see. hope a Eurasian Green Winged Teal and a Garganay appear again. We are also overdue for a Tufted Duck. Great photos
Thanks so much for the kind words and for checking in Bruce. See you out there someday soon I hope. Matt