Good Gulling, 12/26/24

I joined birding bud Bruce Nott at the Beacon Waterfront this afternoon, and had my first productive gulling of the season. Before I arrived, Bruce had already located 3 Iceland Gulls and 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Fortunately, we were able to relocated all five individuals. The LBBGs consisted of one adult and one immature. Unfortunately both birds were a bit distant, so photos were less than ideal. As for the Iceland Gulls, all three birds were gorgeous, but on bird was a remarkable looking adult, which we don’t get to see as often as the younger birds. Huge thanks to Bruce for all his help and the great company.

~Wow! Adult Iceland Gull behind a couple of American Herring Gulls at the Beacon Waterfront, 12/26/24.~
~Immature Iceland Gull at the Beacon Waterfront, 12/26/24,~
~Iceland Gull on the jetty, Beacon Waterfront 12/26/24.~
~American Herring Gull at the Beacon Waterfront, 12/26/24.~
~One more shot of the adult Iceland Gull, 12/26/24.~

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