Sunday Shots 12/01/24

Regular readers of the blog may remember that I am a big fan of winter birding. While this weekend didn’t offer up anything too exciting, there were plenty of birds around to enjoy. My favorite moments included a decent sized flock of Snow Buntings in the black dirt on Friday afternoon (approximately 65 birds or so). On Saturday afternoon I enjoyed watching and photographing one of the tightest packed large flock of mixed blackbirds that I’ve ever seen. It was so much fun to see, and I find the photos fascinating to examine. As far as I can tell, three different species were present (mostly Red-winged Blackbirds, with some Brown-headed Cowbirds and European Starlings sprinkled throughout), and the images vary wildly depending on species present, orientation of the birds, and the light (among other variables). And finally, I had a brief but productive experience with an American Kestrel; usually a skittish species, this male was super focused on hunting something in the vegetation roadside, which allowed for some good photo ops.

~American Kestrel in the black dirt, 12/01/24.~
~Snow Buntings in the black dirt, 11/29/24.~
~More Snow Buntings. Black Dirt Region 11/30/24.~
~Living up to their name, Red-winged Blackbirds predominate this image. Blackbird flock in the black dirt, 11/30/24.~
~Now that’s a lot of blackbirds! Mixed flock in the black dirt, 11/30/24.~
~Blackbird flock in action, Black Dirt Region 11/30/24.~
~Mixed flock of blackbirds in the black dirt, 11/30/24.~
~I love this shot. It was a mostly gloomy afternoon, but the sun did poke out from time to time. Blackbirds in the black dirt 11/30/24.~
~American Kestrel hunting roadside in the Black Dirt Region, 12/01/24.~
~In hover mode – AMKE in the BDR 12/01/24.~

6 thoughts on “Sunday Shots 12/01/24”

    1. Thanks Carolyn, and yeah, I absolutely love Snow Buntings. I went back for them on Saturday, but I had no luck.Matt

  1. awesome captures of the Kestrel “in flight” hunting! – opps like that are few and far between!!! Good light too!

    1. Thanks Randal – I definitely got super lucky with that one. Like you said, a chance like that doesn’t come along very often. Thanks for checking in. Matt

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