Mt. Peter Hawkwatch, 10/12/24

Today I enjoyed a nice day at Mount Peter Hawkwatch. It was sunny and relatively warm, but winds were strong and mostly from the Northwest, which helped carry a decent flight of 65 migrating raptors. Kyle Knapp, Silas Wareham, and Mario Meier all visited and helped find birds in a mostly blue sky. Shout out to Kyle who spent a good amount of time at the watch and picked up many birds for me.

In addition to raptors, Canada Geese were moving through pretty well also. I sort of wasn’t expecting a good goose flight, so I didn’t keep count, but I had at least 15 skeins fly over. As always, I’ve included my report at the bottom of this post.

~A Pileated Woodpecker darts over the Hawkwatch at Mount Peter, 10/12/24.~
~Topside Turkey Vulture at Mt. Peter, 10/12/24.~
~There weren’t many song bird photo ops today. Cedar Waxwing at Mount Peter Hawkwatch, 10/12/24.~

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