On Friday evening, Jeanne Cimorelli found a BAIRD’S SANDPIPER in the black dirt. Early Saturday morning, I joined forces with birding bud Bruce Nott, and we relocated the bird. In fact, we were able to find (2) BASAs. Unfortunately, the birds did not cooperate for photos, but, on Saturday I had one come closer to the road and I was able to finally get some halfway decent shots of this beautiful bird. It was my 200th species in Orange County this year. I was happy to reach that milestone, after not doing so last year.

I spent the weekend looking for shorebirds, but did not add any new species besides the Baird’s. My observations were limited to: Killdeer, Semipalmated Plovers, a single Pectoral Sandpiper, and Least Sandpipers. Bruce did have a Black-bellied Plover on Saturday morning, but I was unable to catch up with that bird.
I tried my luck one more time at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary, but conditions remain poor for shorebirds, and in fact I did not have many waders either (3 Great Blue Herons and a single Great Egret).

Congrats matt. 200. That is my goal for 2024.
Luck sometimes is a factor in finding birds, as they do not wait for birders. Patience and persistence has helped me immensely with birding over the years.
Thanks David. And, I agree – patience and persistence can really pay off – if you are out there, you’ll get the birds. Good luck with your goal of 200. Matt