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Good Birding, Sunday 08/04/24 – Orange Birding

Good Birding, Sunday 08/04/24

This morning, at my first stop in the black dirt, I found a nice collection of shorebirds in a field which had substantial puddling. I had a total of 6 species, and it made me very happy:

  • Killdeer
  • Semipalmated Plover
  • Greater Yellowlegs
  • Lesser Yellowlegs
  • Pectoral Sandpiper
  • Least Sandpiper

Later in the morning, I stopped by 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary, hoping for more shorebirds. I didn’t have any luck with shorebirds, but I was able to locate a Glossy Ibis. It was a bonus that the bird was close enough for excellent scope views and some decent photos. I spent some time with the bird, put the word out, and then continued my search for shorebirds. Later, I saw the Glossy Ibis flying across the marsh to the far shore.

~GLIB at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary, 08/04/24.~
~The Glossy Ibis was being hassled by a Great Egret, and so it kept taking short flights to keep its distance. GLIB at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary, 08/04/24.~
~I’ve been trying to not take Indigo Bunting photos this summer – I’ve taken so many over the years and they are just everywhere. But, I couldn’t resist this dude in his colorful perch. Black dirt, 08/03/24.~
~I photographed this same bird a couple weeks back, on a nearby similar perch. Red-tailed Hawks are generally not very confiding, but on both occasions this bird did not seem to mind my presence. Here the bird took a glance my way, but immediately afterwards, it went right back to scanning for prey. Missionland Road, 08/04/24.~
~This bird never said a word, but I believe it’s a Willow Flycatcher, Black Dirt Region, 08/03/24.~
~Some quick Googling tells me that these are likely a type of Meadowhawk Dragonfly. If anyone knows more about them, please feel free to weigh in. Black Dirt Region, 08/03/24.

8 thoughts on “Good Birding, Sunday 08/04/24”

    1. Unfortunately these days it’s more like every weekend for me (due to work), Renee, but the sentiment holds true – the more you get out, the more you will see. Thanks for checking in. Matt

  1. Thanks Matt for the timely post on the Glossy Ibis. A good buddy of mine from North Carolina is visiting with me this weekend and the Glossy Ibis was a first for him for NY. Always cool when I see them close to home. As always love the blog!

    1. I was glad to see you got the bird Scotty, and that you are enjoying the blog. And thanks for checking in, hope to see you out there soon. Matt

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