Orange County Kentucky Warbler, 06/01/24

While I was at work on Wednesday afternoon, birding bud Bruce Nott called me to let me know he had a KENTUCKY WARBLER at Mine Road. I was unable to make it out to try for the bird until this morning, but fortunately the bird hung in there and was still present. This was far and away the best experience I’ve ever had with this species – I’ve only ever had poor/distant looks previously, with no photos. The bird mostly stayed in the shadows while I was there, which made it a little bit difficult for photos – here are my results. Congrats to Bruce for yet another great find.

~Wow! Kentucky Warbler at Mine Road, 06/01/24.~
~KEWA at Mine Road, 06/01/24.~

6 thoughts on “Orange County Kentucky Warbler, 06/01/24”

    1. That’s a good looking bird, right? It was nice to get such good looks for the first time. Matt

    1. Yeah, Bruce is unbelievable -he just keeps finding great birds. I’m glad it stuck around. Matt

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