Sunday Shots, 03/09/25

Last weekend was a tough one – very few birds and almost no photo ops. This weekend was a different story. The PINK-FOOTED GOOSE on Saturday was by far the highlight, but in addition to that, it was a birdy weekend and I took a lot of photos. Heat shimmer gave me fits for photos as well as scanning, but that can’t be helped. I was at Wickham Lake both mornings at sunrise; the lake is loaded with birds right now and made for some enjoyable birding. There are many Common Mergansers (hard to say, but probably 300-400?). Gulls were plentiful as well; it was probably the most gulls I’ve ever seen on that lake, with approximately 100+ Ring-billed Gulls and 20+ American Herring Gulls.

~American Herring Gulls and Ring-billed Gulls at Wickham Lake, 03/09/25.~

I can’t even tell you how many geese I looked through in the past two days – many thousands for sure. I had 11 Snow Geese (8 were blue morphs!), and I also had one bird that I think is a very good candidate for a Cackling Goose; see photo at the bottom of this post. Two Sandhill Cranes were reported at the Liberty Loop on Saturday afternoon – I ended up seeing them on Sunday morning through dumb luck (they flew in and landed in front of a flock of geese I was sorting through).

~Sandhill Crane coming in for a landing, Liberty Marsh 03/09/25.~
~I’m loving the fluffed up feathers in this shot. Sandhill Crane at Liberty Marsh, 03/09/25.~
~Blue morph Snow Goose in the black dirt, 03/09/25.~
~Ring-billed Gulls raising an early morning racket. Wickham Lake, 03/09/25.~
~Female Common Merganser at Wickham Lake, 03/08/25.~
~And a drake Common Merganser, Wickham Lake 03/08/25.~
~White-crowned Sparrow at the Liberty Loop, 03/09/25.~
~I’m calling the bird on the far left a Cackler. Black Dirt Region, 03/09/25.~

4 thoughts on “Sunday Shots, 03/09/25”

  1. Matt, I was down at Wickham Lake today around noon and my conservative estimate of 700 Common mergansers was based on a photo count of roughly 1/6 of the flock.

    1. I totally believe it Silas – there is a LOT of birds there right now! Thanks for checking in. Matt

  2. Such Fun to see some different “Faces” these days!
    Thanks for sharing ( I also am having a bear of a time with “heatwaves”).
    Happy Birding,

    1. It seemed like a long winter, with the same faces, didn’t it? It’s only going to get better and better. I’m excited for spring. Matt

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