Mt. Peter Hawk Watch

I was very pleased to find four Eastern Bluebirds first thing in the morning at Mt. Peter Hawk Watch.
I was very pleased to find four Eastern Bluebirds first thing in the morning at Mt. Peter Hawk Watch.

I spent the day counting hawks out at the Mt. Peter Hawk Watch. I feel a little snake bit this year; I had another slow day with a total of only 28 migrating raptors. The highlights for me were an immature Bald Eagle and a Peregrine Falcon in the afternoon. Here’s my report:

Mount Peter
Warwick, New York, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 12, 2013

Species            Day’s Count    Month Total   Season Total
—————— ———– ————– ————–
Black Vulture                0              3             28
Turkey Vulture               0              0              3
Osprey                       0             10            113
Bald Eagle                   1             11             82
Northern Harrier             1              4             31
Sharp-shinned Hawk          23            208            608
Cooper’s Hawk                1             13             37
Northern Goshawk             0              0              0
Red-shouldered Hawk          0              3             24
Broad-winged Hawk            0              0           7611
Red-tailed Hawk              0              2              8
Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
Golden Eagle                 0              0              0
American Kestrel             0              9             99
Merlin                       0              4              9
Peregrine Falcon             1              4             10
Unknown Accipiter            0              2              2
Unknown Buteo                0              1              4
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Falcon               0              0              1
Unknown Raptor               1              1             19

Total:                      28            275           8689

Observation start time: 08:00:00
Observation end   time: 16:00:00
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter:        Matt Zeitler

Observers:        Don Leak

Terry Ann Gmelch, Don Leak, Caroline and Richard Kurtz, and Jeane

Sunny and warm with some clouds. There was a light NE wind for the duration
of the watch. Temperatures ranged from 11 degrees to 23 degrees Celsius.

Raptor Observations:
Migrating Raptors: One immature Bald Eagle and one unknown Northern
Harrier. The local Turkey Vultures and Black Vultures were very active and
could be seen in flight or on the cell tower for the duration of the watch.

Non-raptor Observations:
Non Raptor Species: Canada Goose (713), Eastern Bluebird (4), Blue Jay
(105), White-breasted Nuthatch (1), Downy Woodpecker (1), Red-bellied
Woodpecker (1), American Crow (9), Common Raven (4), Titmouse (2),
Black-capped Chickadee (2), Yellow-rumped Warbler (1), and (4) unidentified
Report submitted by Matt Zeitler ([email protected])

Long-billed Dowitchers Continue

It was not a great night for photos, but it was good to see that the pair of LBDOs continue out at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary 10/10/13.
It was not a great night for photos, but it was good to see that the pair of LBDOs continue out at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary 10/10/13.

Tonight at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary, the two Long-billed Dowitchers continue in the small pond to the south of the Heritage Trail. Additional shorebirds included 11 Lesser Yellowlegs and 4 Pectoral Sandpipers. I also enjoyed a decent showing of waterfowl with Canada Geese, Mallards, Green-winged Teal, Blue-winged Teal, a single American Black Duck and a single Northern Pintail.

I also tried something new for me tonight: I wore camouflage. I’ve heard many photographers talk about how effective camouflage is for photographing wildlife, and tonight I experienced it for the first time. While shooting Yellow-rumped Warblers, I noticed that the birds seemed far less likely to flush. Also, while shooting the two Dowitchers, 10 Lesser Yellowlegs flew in and landed between myself and the Dowitchers – pretty darn close really. It’s only one outing, but it does appear to make a difference.

Yellow-rumped Warbler at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary, 10/10/13.
Yellow-rumped Warbler at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary, 10/10/13.
One of 11 Lesser Yellowlegs seen today at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary.
One of 11 Lesser Yellowlegs seen today at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary.
I had to wait for this LBDO to do some scratching to get a shot with his bill completely out of the water.
I had to wait for this LBDO to do some scratching to get a shot with his bill completely out of the water.



Dowitcher Update

_MG_2013As of 5:30 this evening (10/5), the two Dowitchers at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary continue. The consensus is that these birds are in fact Long-billed Dowitchers. I sent John Haas over 20 photos last night and he re-located the birds this morning to get a look himself. John feels that these are Long-billed Dowitchers – see his comment in my original post about these birds and go to his blog to see his post. Both are interesting and informative – well worth clicking over to. I also posted on the NY Birders Facebook page and all comments have been supporting LBDO.

Between these two birds and the Black Scoters located by Bruce Nott, it has been great weekend of birding!

BLACK SCOTERS in Orange County

Thirteen Black Scoters at Lake Washington today, 10/5/13.
Thirteen Black Scoters at Lake Washington today, 10/5/13.

Huge thanks and congratulations to Bruce Nott who located thirteen Black Scoters on Lake Washington today. Bruce gave me a call, as did John Haas to alert me about the birds. Luckily, Tricia and I were in Beacon and were able to stop by our way home. We got very good looks in Bruce’s scope and I was able to take a few photos that are distant and backlit, but still helpful I think. Thanks again Bruce – nice one!

One more shot of the Black Scoters that Bruce Nott located on Lake Washingon, 10/5/13.
One more shot of the Black Scoters that Bruce Nott located on Lake Washingon, 10/5/13.

Which Dowitcher?

_MG_1962_MG_1939I had a pair of Dowitchers out at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary this evening, between 5:00 and 6:00. I do not know whether they were Long-billed or Short-billed. I did hear them call, and my immediate thought was Long-billed, but I am not familiar enough with the calls to make a positive ID. Please comment if you get these birds or if you have any thoughts on the ID. Thanks!

10/5/13 – Here a several more shots of the birds from various angles. _MG_1846_MG_1852_MG_1870_MG_1913_MG_1949_MG_2056_MG_2064


Basha Kill Area Association Benefit 9/29/13

A very animated Bill Streeter doing his fabulous raptor talk.
A very animated Bill Streeter doing his fabulous raptor talk.

Well, this post is a couple days late, but certainly worth posting. Sunday evening, Tricia and I went to the Bashakill Vineyards where we met up with Karen Miller to attend the Basha Kill Area Association annual Benefit. This year’s event was really great – well attended, and the brick oven pizza, wine, and hors d’oeuvres provided by members of the BKAA were all delicious.

Bill Streeter from the Delaware Raptor Center did his live raptor talk which included a Peregrine Falcon, a Red-tailed Hawk, a Northern Saw-whet Owl, a Snowy Owl, and a magnificent Golden Eagle. The talk was very entertaining and informative.

For me, the highlight of the event was John Haas having his book signing for the release of his book “A Birding Guide to Sullivan County New York”. The book was for sale and John was, of course, signing copies. If you are a birder in this area or if you are just interested in great spots to hike, kayak, or just see nature you have to get this book. It is available at the Bashakill Vineyards and also at the Basha Kill Area Association website. This book will make you a better birder I guarantee it, AND all proceeds from the book are being donated to the Basha Kill Area Association. You can’t lose!

The cover of John Haas' book, "A Birding Guide to Sullivan County".
The cover of John Haas’ book, “A Birding Guide to Sullivan County New York”.


John Haas signs a copy of his book at the event.
John Haas signs a copy of his book at the event.


Arlene Borko, Karen Miller, and Tricia Davis enjoy themselves at the Benefit.
Arlene Borko, Karen Miller, and Tricia Davis enjoy themselves at the Benefit.


Bill Streeter with my favorite bird of the show, a Northern Saw-whet Owl.
Bill Streeter with my favorite bird of the show, a Northern Saw-whet Owl.


Stilt Sandpiper?

_MG_1651I believe I had a Stilt Sandpiper out at Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge between 5 and 6 o’clock this evening. I am feeling pretty good about this ID, but having only ever seen the bird once before, I am not totally convinced . If you have any thoughts on the identification of this bird please weigh in; you can make a comment here or email me at [email protected]. Here are a few more photos: _MG_1669_MG_1611_MG_1615_MG_1608

Morningside Park Photos 9/29/13


One my main goals for the morning was to shoot this Pectoral Sandpiper. Morningside Park, 9/29/13.
One my main goals for the morning was to shoot this Pectoral Sandpiper. Morningside Park, 9/29/13.

Every once in a while I just need to go do some birding in a location that is likely to provide plenty of photo opportunities. Morningside Park is perfect for this, as long as you are birding by kayak. I arrived at the park right after sunrise to take advantage of the beautiful early morning light; for me, you cannot beat early morning light for beautiful photos. There was a misty fog on the surface of the lake that I also find appealing but difficult to translate into photos. I was pleased with the results, there were plenty of birds to shoot and the fall colors were reflecting off the water wonderfully.

A pair of Ring-billed Gulls in the early morning mist. Morningside Park, 9/29/13.
A pair of Ring-billed Gulls in the early morning mist. Morningside Park, 9/29/13.
Great Blue Heron at Morningside Park, 9/29/13.
Great Blue Heron at Morningside Park, 9/29/13.
This Common Yellowthroat could not have been more cooperative, Morningside Park, 9/29/13.
This Common Yellowthroat could not have been more cooperative, Morningside Park, 9/29/13. I am loving the background on this shot.
Least Sandpiper at Morningside Park, 9/29/13.
Least Sandpiper at Morningside Park, 9/29/13.
Here's one more of the Pectoral Sandpiper, Morningside Park, 9/29/13.
Here’s one more of the Pectoral Sandpiper, Morningside Park, 9/29/13.
I don't love the light on this Green Heron, but I love all the colors reflecting in the water. Morningside Park, 9/29/13.
I don’t love the light on this Green Heron, but I love all the colors reflecting in the water. Morningside Park, 9/29/13.






Mt. Peter Hawk Watch – 9/28/13

A local Red-tailed Hawk flies right over the viewing platform at Mt. Peter Hawk Watch, 9/28/13.
A local Red-tailed Hawk flies right over the viewing platform at Mt. Peter Hawk Watch, 9/28/13.

Well, I had another slow day for migrating raptors at Mt. Peter Hawk Watch today. Overall I think the numbers of migrating hawks at the watch have been good this season, but I only had 21 today. Visit to see all the data for the year. Here is my report from today:

Mount Peter
Warwick, New York, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 28, 2013

Species            Day’s Count    Month Total   Season Total
—————— ———– ————– ————–
Black Vulture                0              0              0
Turkey Vulture               0              2              2
Osprey                       1            101            101
Bald Eagle                   1             71             71
Northern Harrier             2             26             26
Sharp-shinned Hawk           8            362            362
Cooper’s Hawk                0             21             21
Northern Goshawk             0              0              0
Red-shouldered Hawk          1             20             20
Broad-winged Hawk            8           7591           7591
Red-tailed Hawk              0              6              6
Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
Golden Eagle                 0              0              0
American Kestrel             0             86             86
Merlin                       0              5              5
Peregrine Falcon             0              6              6
Unknown Accipiter            0              0              0
Unknown Buteo                0              3              3
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Falcon               0              1              1
Unknown Raptor               0             16             16

Total:                      21           8317           8317

Observation start time: 08:00:00
Observation end   time: 16:00:00
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter:        Matt Zeitler

Observers:        Tom Millard

Steven Liss and family, several families eating their ice cream.

A heavy fog rolled in from the valley shortly after my arrival to the
watch, but cleared up by the end of the first hour. It was a warm sunny day
with some clouds and a gentle NW breeze that shifted to NE during the fifth
hour of the watch. Temperatures ranged from 10 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Raptor Observations:
Migrating raptors included (1) Immature Bald Eagle, (2) unknown Northern
Harriers, and an immature Red-shouldered Hawk.
Non-migrating raptors: Turkey Vultures and Black Vultures were flying for
most of the day as was one local Red-tailed Hawk. Just before noon Eastern
Standard Time an immature Bald Eagle circled west of the viewing platform
but then headed north.

Non-raptor Observations:
Non-raptor species: Tufted Titmouse, Blue Jay (49), Black-throated Green
Warbler (2), Cedar Waxwing (18), Eastern Phoebe, Canada Goose (33), Chimney
Swift (5), Red-bellied Woodpecker, Palm Warbler.

Beautiful marking on this bird. Red-tailed Haw at Mt. Peter Hawk Watch, 9/28/13.
Beautiful marking on this bird. Red-tailed Haw at Mt. Peter Hawk Watch, 9/28/13.
I had a decent Blue Jay flight early in the day, with 49 Blue Jays, Mt. Peter Hawk Watch, 9/28/13.
I had a decent Blue Jay flight early in the day, with 49 Blue Jays, Mt. Peter Hawk Watch, 9/28/13.
I really think I should have gotten a better shot of this bird, this was the most accommodating warbler.
I really think I should have gotten a better shot of this bird, this was the most accommodating Black-throated Green Warbler. Mt. Peter Hawk Watch, 9/28/13.





Buff-breasted Sandpipers Continue – 9/25/13

I got a couple of closer photos tonight, but unfortunately it wasn't until the sun had gone over the horizon. Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Missionland Rd, 9/25/13.
I got a couple of closer photos tonight, but unfortunately it wasn’t until the sun had gone over the horizon. Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Missionland Rd, 9/25/13.

I stopped by Missionland road tonight around 6:15 and the three Buff-breasted Sandpipers continue. Here’s one more noisy shot (both shots were taken at ISO 3200):

BBSA at Missionland Road, 9/25/13.
BBSA at Missionland Road, 9/25/13.