Barnegat Lighthouse State Park

The Harlequin Ducks were just amazing - gorgeous birds. Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
The Harlequin Ducks were just amazing – gorgeous birds. Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.

I was fortunate enough to be invited to join what I call “the New Jersey Crew” on an outing this past Sunday to Barnegat Lighthouse State Park. The “crew” includes: Judy Cinquina, Tom Millard, Denis Farrell, B.A. McGrath, Gene Tappan,  and honorary New Jerseyan, Dennis Murphy. I really enjoy birding with these folks because they are all very good and experienced birders that are extremely generous with me, taking the time to teach me the ins and outs of birding, bird identification, and birding locations. Plus they are all just nice people to spend time with.

Dennis Murphy, Gene Tappan, Judy Cinquina, and Denise Farrell go to work atI can't get enough of these Long-tailed Ducks. Definitely the cutest duck out there. Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
Dennis Murphy, Gene Tappan, Judy Cinquina, and Denise Farrell go to work at Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.

I cannot express strongly enough what a great birding location Barnegat is. As soon as we got on the beach, until it was time to leave, there was ALWAYS a large number of birds to observe. Additionally, while some of the birds were a bit distant, most birds were quite close and gave great views. It was a super day for photography with so many birds near and far and the light was beautiful. For me, the icing on the cake was the fact that six (!!!) of the over 30 species that we had for the day were life birds: HARLEQUIN DUCK, COMMON EIDER, PURPLE SANDPIPER, ICELAND GULL, CAROLINA CHICKADEE, and BOAT-TAILED GRACKLE. 

So I took tons of photos and I was happy with many of them:

This Iceland Gull was probably my favorite bird of the day. I think it is a very elegant looking gull. The New Jersey Crew was having a discussion about this bird, wondering if it could possibly be a hybrid. The reason for this was that it was very close in size to the Herring Gulls it was found with. According to The Crossley ID Guide, the Iceland is 22" as compared to the Herring Gull at 25". The Iceland Gull was certainly smaller, just not noticeably.
This Iceland Gull was probably my favorite bird of the day. It was a life bird for me, and I think it is a very elegant looking gull. The New Jersey Crew was having a discussion about this bird, wondering if it could possibly be a hybrid. The reason for this was that it was very close in size to the Herring Gulls it was found with. According to The Crossley ID Guide, the Iceland is 22″ as compared to the Herring Gull at 25″. The Iceland Gull was certainly smaller, just not noticeably.
It was great to finally get the Purple Sandpipers. Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
It was great to finally get the Purple Sandpipers. Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.


Ruddy Turnstone at Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
Ruddy Turnstone at Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.


Here's a nice look at female Harlequin Duck, Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
Here’s a nice look at female Harlequin Duck, Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
I was fighting a backlit situation for this Common Eider, so not a great shot, but what an interesting duck.
I was fighting a backlit situation for this Common Eider, so not a great shot, but what an interesting duck. Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
I can't get enough of these Long-tailed Ducks. Definitely the cutest duck out there. Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
I can’t get enough of these Long-tailed Ducks. Definitely the cutest duck out there. Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
I can't get enough of these Long-tailed Ducks. Definitely the cutest duck out there. Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
One more Long-tailed Duck at Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
Male Harlequin DuckI can't get enough of these Long-tailed Ducks. Definitely  Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
Male Harlequin Duck at Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.

After Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, we made a quick stop at the “Bridge to Nowhere”, which is basically small road (Stafford Avenue) that ends in a destroyed bridge. It also borders along the Manahawkin Wildlife Management Area. It was here that I got my life Carolina Chickadee and Boat-tail Grackles.

My life Carolina Chickadee, at Manahawkin Wildlife Management Area. While it looks very much like our Black-capped Chickadee, there are some differences, the most notable being their call. It is the same "chick-a-dee-dee-dee" but much more rapid than the Black-capped Chickadee.
My life Carolina Chickadee, at Manahawkin Wildlife Management Area. While it looks very much like our Black-capped Chickadee, there are some differences, the most notable being their call. It is the same “chick-a-dee-dee-dee” but much more rapid than the Black-capped Chickadee.

What a fabulous day of birding, with great company and tons of great birds. Hard to ask for anything more than that.


Barnegat Lighthouse (preview)

Long-tailed Duck at Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.
Long-tailed Duck at Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, 1/19/14.

I had an AMAZING day of birding today at Barnegat Lighthouse State Park today. I do not have enough time tonight  for a complete post, but I always try to post on Sunday evenings, so here is one shot from the day. Please check back tomorrow for the full post, it really was an incredible day of birding – tons of photos and six (!!!) life birds!


SNOWY OWL in the Black Dirt Region, Orange County NY, 1/16/14.
SNOWY OWL in the Black Dirt Region, Orange County NY, 1/16/14.

Huge thanks to Rob Stone once again for alerting me that he had located a SNOWY OWL in the Black Dirt Region today. As far as I know, this is the first Snowy Owl reported in Orange County since early December. Additionally, in the same field, not far away, were 5 TUNDRA SWANS. I saw Ken McDermott while I was there and he told me that Judy Cinquina had seen 21 (!!!) Tundra Swans there earlier in the day. Another great day for birders in Orange County!

One of 5 Tundra Swans that I saw in the Black Dirt Region today (1/16/14).
One of 5 Tundra Swans that I saw in the Black Dirt Region today (1/16/14).

Orange County Tundra Swans

Five Tundra Swans did a fly-over at the Wallkill River NWR while I was walking the Liberty Loop today (1/15/14).
Five Tundra Swans did a fly-over at the Wallkill River NWR while I was walking the Liberty Loop today (1/15/14).

I got out of work a little bit early today and took the opportunity to walk the Liberty Loop at the Wallkill River NWR. It was a nice walk around the loop where I had 16 species identified. Highlights included 6 Short-eared Owls being very vocal and putting on quite a show, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and on my way back to the car I had 5 TUNDRA SWANS fly over. The birds were heading south along the west side of the loop. They followed the loop into New Jersey and eventually headed back north, this time on the east side of the loop (which is where I was located), flying right over me, and back into New York State. I could tell from the shape of the head/bill that the birds were not Mute Swans, and I was thinking Tundra. Fortunately one of the birds was calling periodically, which lead me to conclude that they were indeed Tundra Swans.  Of course, I had to listen to the call on my phone app to know this! What a nice surprise on an unplanned trip around the Liberty Loop!

Sorry for the super grainy photos, but it was just too dark to do any better. TUSW at Wallkill River NWR, 1/15/14.
Sorry for the super grainy photos, but it was just too dark to do any better. TUSW at Wallkill River NWR, 1/15/14.


6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary


iPhone shot of Canada Geese on the ice at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary, 1/14/14.
iPhone shot of Canada Geese on the ice at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary, 1/14/14.

It was a rainy and foggy afternoon in Goshen today. I missed out on the nice weather yesterday because of a work obligation, so I was really itching to get out an do some birding. So, I decided to walk the Heritage Trail at 6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary to get my fix. I did not get a high number of species, but it was quite birdy with large numbers of the birds I did see. I could hear the Canada Geese flying in over my head in the fog, and there was a congregation of approximately 450 geese on the ice in no time at all. I also had a good number of American Robins, mostly perched in trees well off the trail. The sighting of the day for me was 18 Cedar Waxwings, a bird that I have not seen recently for some reason. Here’s my short but sweet list from the day:

6 1/2 Station Rd. Sanctuary, Orange, US-NY
Jan 14, 2014 4:00 PM – 4:50 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.25 mile(s)
8 species

Canada Goose  450
Mallard  45
Mourning Dove  6
Black-capped Chickadee  3
Tufted Titmouse  6
American Robin  55
European Starling  30
Cedar Waxwing  18

I always love having the trail to myself, it is very refreshing. iPhone photo of the Heritage Trail, 1/14/14.
I always love having the trail to myself, it is very refreshing. iPhone photo of the Heritage Trail, 1/14/14.

Sunday Shots

Male Northern Harrier on Missionland Road, 1/12/14.
Male Northern Harrier on Missionland Road, 1/12/14.

Well, pretty much took the weekend off in terms of birding. Every once in a while, I think I just need to go out and not worry about identifying and counting every bird I see. Instead I just went out and just enjoyed looking for birds and trying to get some decent photos.

I love the markings on this Red-tailed Hawk, seen on Skinner Lane, 1/12/14.
I love the heavy markings on this Red-tailed Hawk, seen on Skinner Lane, 1/12/14.
Ring-billed Gull at Bashakill WMA, 1/12/14. The best birds of the day were a flock of Snow Buntings at Haven Road, but they never came close enough for photos.
A sweet looking Ring-billed Gull at Bashakill WMA, 1/12/14. The best birds of the day were a flock of Snow Buntings at Haven Road, but they never came close enough for photos.
One more of the "Gray Ghost" on Missionland Road, 1/12/14.
One more of the “Gray Ghost” on Missionland Road, 1/12/14.



Perched Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk on a foggy and rainy Saturday morning. Jessup Switch Road in Goshen, 1/11/14.
Rough-legged Hawk on a foggy and rainy Saturday morning. Jessup Switch Road in Goshen, 1/11/14.

I got out briefly this morning in the rain and fog and managed to get a few shots of the above light morph Rough-legged Hawk. This bird was located on Jessup Switch Road in Goshen, but I initially went out to Indiana Road where I had five RLHAs yesterday evening (2 dark morphs and 3 light).

Greater White-fronted Geese!

Greater White-fronted Goose on Onion Avenue, 1/6/14.
Greater White-fronted Goose on Onion Avenue, 1/6/14.

Rob Stone texted me this afternoon to let me know he had located four GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE on Onion Avenue in New Hampton, NY. When I got there later in the afternoon, just after 4 pm, I could only locate one GWFG among approximately 1200 Canada Geese. I spoke to John Haas after I had left, and he let me know that while he was there, a total of five Greater White-fronted Geese were present. Huge thanks to both Rob and John, what a “great” way to make my day!

Sunday Shots

This immature Bald Eagle was in a tree in the Torches parking lot in Newburgh. The bird was not disturbed by anything, people were walking their dogs right underneath the tree! Newburgh Waterfront, 1/5/14.
This immature Bald Eagle was in a tree in the Torches parking lot in Newburgh. The bird was not disturbed by anything, people were walking their dogs right underneath the tree! Newburgh Waterfront, 1/5/14.
When the bird finally flew, I was of course making an adjustment on my camera. I was lucky to get this shot, every other shot was either blurry or had a wing clipped.
When the bird finally flew, I was of course making an adjustment on my camera. I was lucky to get this shot, every other shot was either blurry or had a wing clipped.
Adult Bald Eagle at Lippincott Road in Wallkill, 1/5/14.
Adult Bald Eagle at Lippincott Road in Wallkill, 1/5/14.


Just a couple of quick notes: In the afternoon I had a flock of approximately 60 Snow Buntings on MIssionland Road. Also present were a couple of smaller flocks of Horned Larks, one of which had 5 Snow Buntings in it. In the morning, I made it out to Lippincott Road and had 10 Common Goldeneyes. Thanks to Ken McDermott for posting about them, they were great fun to see. They were a bit distant for photos, but here is one shot:

Common Goldeneyes in flight, Lippincott Road, Wallkill NY, 1/5/14.
Common Goldeneyes in flight, Lippincott Road, Wallkill NY, 1/5/14.




Orange County Black Dirt

Red-tailed Hawk with prey, on Round Hill Road in the Black Dirt Region, 1/4/14.
Red-tailed Hawk with prey, on Round Hill Road in the Black Dirt Region, 1/4/14.

When I woke up this morning, the thermometer read zero degrees Fahrenheit. With this information in hand, I decided it would be best to bird by car today. So I did a driving tour of the Black Dirt Region, hitting many of the usual spots: Pumpkin Swamp Road, Skinner Lane, Mt. Eve Road, Big Island Road, Missionland Road, Scenic Farms Golf Course, and Wallkill River NWR. Raptors were plentiful, I had eight (!!!) Rough-legged Hawks, one American Kestrel, four Northern Harriers, and I lost count of how many Red-tailed Hawks I saw (at least 15?).

This was my best shot of a Rough-legged Hawk today, this one was at Round Hill Road, 1/4/14.
One of eight Rough-legged Hawks on the day! This one was at Round Hill Road. Seven of the eight  RLHAs were light morphs.

I had two small flocks of Horned Larks at Skinner Lane and at Missionland Road I had a larger flock of about 50 HOLAs that included a single SNOW BUNTING. White-throated Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos were a constant roadside bird throughout the morning, Song Sparrows were also seen in lesser numbers, and I had a pair of WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS at Skinner Lane. I ran into the Antonys (fellow Mearnsers) on Mt. Eve Road where they also had WCSPs.

White-crowned Sparrow on farm equipment out at Skinner Lane, 1/4/14.
White-crowned Sparrow on farm equipment out at Skinner Lane, 1/4/14.